WPLC Automation Projects

ieee project centre in chennai

Wiztech Automation extends total guidance and support to the final year students in their PLC Automation based projects right from synopsis to the prototype stage.

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TEmbedded Projects

final year projects in chennai

Easily demonstrable, lucrative, easy to comprehend & explain make any embedded project as ideal choice for final year assignment. Wiztech Automation helps students to excel in their projects.

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IVLSI Projects

final year projects in chennai

VLSI Projects VLSI based final year projects for students provide scope for innovative and creative based applications. Wiztech Automation provides end-to-end support to the students.

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ECIT/Software Projects

mechanical project centre in chennai

Wiztech guides the Final year students to select innovative project concepts using latest versions of software. The students get total support at every stage of the project till the project completion.

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ZMechanical Projects

mechanical project centre in chennai

The design work for any project may be cumbersome, but Wiztech Automation, makes it easy for students to conceive and complete their projects without much difficulty.

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HApplication Projects

mechanicap projects in chennai

Understanding and comprehension is the vital part of knowledge that one gains. Application of the knowledge to develop / create something relevant and useful is what Wiztech enables students to do

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Progress is one of Wiztech offers professional guidance and support in regard to the IEEE Projects, which are essential and reflections of the students’ academic performances all through their engineering course.


This Wiztech Automation offers professional guidance and support to the students and others in regard to the Non-IEEE projects also.

EOwn Idea Projects

Wiztech Automation encourages the students to conceive their own project ideas and supports them to crystallize such ideas providing guidance to firm up their project based goals and the methodology to follow


Internships serve as stepping stones for future employment of the students undergoing internships. Wiztech, realizing this, fully guides and supports them to do their projects so that they gain knowledge based skill and experience.

Final Year Projects Benefits in Wiztech...

automation projects in chennai
Latest IEEE Projects

Wiztech helps the students to select right titles and concepts for the projects which are current and contemporary and helps students to get best score for their projects.

embedded project centre in chennai
100% Project Support

Students doing their projects at Wiztech experience great ease and comfort. They get 100% support wherever required. Students require facilitation to pursue projects themselves and look for support only where they want.

ieee project centre in chennai
On-Time Delivery

Wiztech understands that the students’ selection of the projects have to be highly relevant and implementation to be very methodical towards successful completion, but also within the time frame set for the project.

final year projects in chennai
100% Practical Training

Practical experience helps understanding better and infuses confidence regarding knowledge gained. Wiztech’s faculty will be always ready to help the students with the 100% practical training support.

it projects in chennai
Certificate for Project

The Students’ projects are all very systematically done at Wiztech Automation. After the project completion following the stages - selection, planning, execution and completion – the students are certified for the projects they do with Wiztech.

low cost mechanical project centre in chennai
All Department Porjects

Wiztech is fully geared up to provide end-to-end guidance & support to students for projects of any department. Since Wiztech has the infrastructure and facilities apart from the well qualified & experienced faculty it is possible to promise & deliver.

Own Welding Shop - Mech.Projects

Wiztech Automation provides exclusive opportunities to the students working for Mechanical projects. Mechanical projects involve the following process stages :

  • - Conceptualization of Mechanical project
  • - Designing for the project
  • - Procurement of material
  • - Actual mechanical operations under one roof – such as sizing of the project based sub parts, welding and other machining operations at our own in-campus workshop.

The facility for mechanical workshop activities is normally taken out of the campus for completion. Whereas Wiztech provides the facility under one roof. This renders a great advantage. This facility is normally taken out for completion.

Unique projects showcasing excellence

"Wiztech Automation helps students to excel in their projects. Master Ajay and Master Harish of Chennai did their projects with the guidance and support of Wiztech. Their projects have been selected at the National level and are now under appraisal for the international level."

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Welcome, dear visitor!

Students of engineering of any department, for any kind of training and project support could approach Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai. Wiztech is fully geared up to fulfill the needs of all departments’ students for training, projects, internships, etc.,

Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai, confidently promises best experience to students in their training, projects and internships with Wiztech. The efficacy and the quality of training & other services delivered could be known from the past students’ testimonials.


  • “I thank very much to Wiztech for helping to do my Final year project as best in my college.”
    Mechanical Department
  • “In my view, Wiztech is the best project centre in Chennai. I got wonder knowledge & Experience here in my project. ”
    ECE Department
  • “They provide lot of practical classes, which is I never got in my college and other training Institution. ”
    T. Ashwini,
    EEE Department
  • “Guidance is excellent, I think, now I can do any final year projects in my department. Thanks to Wiztech. ”
    IT Department
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